joy boy has returned!

call me chara. i don't know how to like things casually.


- i go by chara, pronounced "care-uh" (not "char-uh" or "car-uh" please don't pronounce my name like that)
- just a silly little guy with gear 5 luffy vibes
- asexual gay nonbinary guy, they/them pronouns preferred but any pronouns are okay. you can use guy or boy or bro to describe me but please don't call me a man. also please don't call me girl or woman or other feminine terms.
- disabled autistic with depression and anxiety just trying to get by in the hell world we live in
- current hyperfixation: one piece, ace♡♡♡, asl bros♡♡♡, zoro♡♡♡, zolu♡♡♡,
- special interests: ffxiv, botw/totk, pkmn, utdr, sailor moon, game grumps, mp100, jane austen
- currently playing: ffxiv
- currently listening to: deltarune osts
- lately i'm talking a lot about: ace♡♡♡, asl bros♡♡♡, zoro♡♡♡, zolu♡♡♡, watching one piece, working on fics, leveling in xiv
- things i like: ace♡♡♡, asl bros♡♡♡ zoro♡♡♡, zolu♡♡♡, cats, mushrooms, frogs, coelacanths, horseshoe crabs, isopods, chocolate, mothman, gothic architecture, pretty scenery, snow, collecting figures and plushes and charms and pins, video games, autumn and winter, christmas and halloween
- things i don't like: insects/spiders, math, rain, hot weather, dogs, waking up early, making phone calls, when my emotions aren't taken seriously, people who think it's cool to publically harass others, akainu, blackbeard, garp, and sengoku👎🏻
- sometimes i write, draw, and tweet my headcanons or aus
- i occasionally post fic on my ao3 (which is linked below)
- my account is not spoiler free
- @chaoticdowner on twitter is my twin and the ace to my luffy!
- if we're moots, you can follow my priv twit @rorronnoa
- i prefer not to talk in dms but if you really want to message me you can and i'll do my best to reply.
- my wols are serenity moonsinger on exodus and zeph'yrr rhenyaia on seraph! their lodestone pages are linked below. at the moment, i mostly only play on sere.
-i have several tumblr blogs. ffxiv: mountrokkon, mp100: kageyama-shigeo, botwtotk: hyrule-champion, utdr: charadreemmurr, and pokemon: pawmie. i use tumblr rather sporadically so don't expect to see me active over there often.

major kin

minor kin

comfort characters


video games
- ffxiv ♡
- undertale/deltarune ♡
- loz ♡
- pokemon ♡
- animal crossing
- super mario
- ffxv
- p5
- i'm on observation duty
- bloodborne
- resident evil 8
- one piece ♡
- mob psycho 100
- sailor moon
- one punch man
- mushishi
- studio ghibli films
- game grumps ♡
- buzzfeed unsolved/the watcher
- loz theories (monster maze, zeltik, etc)
- bbhf/galileo galilei + warbear ♡
- half-life ♡
- ilill light more room ♡
- swim in syuwar ♡
- cinema staff ♡
- pelican fanclub
- bigmama ♡
- giraffepot ♡
- said ♡
- womcadole ♡
- motor pool side
- maki
- gourdmountain
- near friends
- good on the reel ♡
- the cibo
- amazarashi ♡
- lord huron ♡
- ásgeir
- bastille
period dramas, films, and novels
- pride and prejudice
- emma
- persuasion
- northanger abbey
- sense and sensibility
- north & south
- jane eyre
- sherlock holmes (granada series)

before you follow

don't follow me if:
- you fit the general dfi criteria (racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, ship incest or pedophilia, support israel or claim to be neutral about the genocide in palestine, etc)
- you ship chara and asriel, thancred and minfilia, luffy and ace and sabo, or law and corazon in any capacity. these characters explicitly have familial relationships in canon and i will not tolerate any romantic interpretations of them.
- you support the misgendering of nonbinary characters like chara, frisk, and kris. do not erase characters that canonically use they/them pronouns! this includes the pixies in ffxiv- do not refer to feo ul with she/her when they exclusively use they/them pronouns!!!
- you say you like pride and prejudice but you mean the 2005 movie instead of the 1995 mini series or the book. i want nothing to do with you. (/hj) for real though, do yourself a favor and watch the mini series. it's a million times better than the 2005 movie ((which is garbage btw))
- you're one of those people who's super particular about ship sex dynamics, for example exclusively seeing zoro as a bottom and luffy as a top. "luzo only" idc they're fictional characters if you're so pressed that someone enjoys them as vers or switches, that's a you problem.
be aware:
- i'm not a zosan fan, just so you know (and you may catch me complaining about zs shippers occasionally).
- similarly, my only ship with luffy or zoro is zolu. i don't ship them with anyone else so if you're a multishipper and zolu isn't your main ship, i probably won't follow back or want to interact with you. also, please don't bring up other zoro or luffy ships to me. i know that luffy has special relationships with all his crew but the only one i view as romantic is zolu so please respect that. and i have other ship names muted so even if you do try to mention them, there's a high likelihood i won't see the tweet. this includes zosan, lusan, zolaw, lawlu, lusopp, kobylu, etc. my account is zolu only.
- i passively enjoy some ships with age gaps (because they are ships my friends like) so please be aware of that. age gap is not inherently problematic and any ships i do like met when they were already fully adults. i will never enjoy a ship that involves actual grooming or a minor with an adult, or any kind of power imbalance. so please do not accuse me of anything. you can feel free to mute or block me if it makes you uncomfortable but please recognize that it's not inherently "proship". all that said, i don't like lawlu at all so i prefer not to interact with lawlu shippers thanks.
- i use the term "kin" to describe feeling close with fictional characters, especially when i find a lot of similarities between myself and a character. it's mostly for fun because it makes me feel good, but if it makes you uncomfortable, i understand. my biggest kins are chara dreemurr from undertale and monkey d. luffy from one piece. lately, i've been very attached to ace so if you see me refer to him (and sometimes sabo) as my brother, just know that this is why.
- please don't use playful insults or rudeness with me. that kind of affection between friends has never been okay with me. i will never say anything rude to you even as a joke so i hope you can show me that courtesy too. (this goes for kys jokes and slurs as well. please don't use them around me.)
- i'm just a guy on the internet, i'm not here to put up with drama and schoolyard bullying. if you harrass me or any of my friends, i'm just going to block you without responding so don't bother.
- i have very strong hyperfixations that may change at any time so i apologize if you follow me for a fandom in specific and then i abruptly change interests. i try to talk about all my interests but will usually end up branding myself around whatever my current hyperfixation is.
- i use a lot of exclamation points (!) and emojis, if this bothers you feel free to let me know and i'll tone it down while talking with you.
- if we're mutuals and you want to unfollow me, PLEASE DON'T soft block. it stresses me out when i can't figure out who it was. you are under no obligation to keep following me (fub free) but please just unfollow so i can keep track of my mutuals and decide whether or not i want to keep following you of my own accord.
- i'm over 20 years old. i prefer not to interact with people who are under 18 (current mutuals are okay) but i don't have a max age range, so i don't care if you're older than me. you can always feel free to unfollow if you're a minor and my age makes you uncomfortable. on a similar note, i may post some things that are a bit nsfw so please be aware of that.
- i'm ace and support all people who are asexual and/or aromantic ♡ (i will not tolerate aphobia of any kind)